Shesha and Nikki Marvin are the driving force behind ATOMIC Ballroom. Their mission statement is to build confidence through dance and have provided the community with an outlet to do so. Shesha and Nikki have been promoting not only Swing but all forms of dance through their studio and community events, Inspiration Weekend and the 24-Hour Cancer Dance-a-thon which has raised almost one million dollars for the City of Hope. They also travel the world teaching, competing, and performing. Their long term successful partnership as a competitive couple and more have earned them a place in California Swing Dance history alongside many great couples in the “Couples” category. Further, Shesha and Nikki have generously supported the California Swing Dance Hall of Fame by allowing csdhof to run fundraisers at their studio. Not only are they accomplished Lindy dancers, their ATOMIC Ballrooms give all swing dancers in Southern California a place to learn, grow, and have fun. It is no wonder they have also earned prestigious recognition in the California Swing Dance Hall of Fame’s “Special Achievement.”